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S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: novembre, 2018
Res s’oblida més a poc a poc que una ofensa; i res s’oblida més ràpid que un favor.
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Que es ser feliç?
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What is to be happy? We consider that when a person is happy he is happy, but we do not think any further. It is likely that more people than we think will be happy but not happy. Not always what we show to others is what we really feel, it is easy to cheat. Just as it is very easy to cross the line of being happy not to be so because at any moment something can happen to us that we change everything and start not to enjoy, to do things reluctantly and without understanding the meaning of why we do them. Are we really happy? What do we think we need to be happy? Tomás Bernasar 1 BATX B
La força la delimita el muscul o el cerbell?
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Our strength depends on the type of musculature we have, but it can also be delimeted by our mental strength , on our insistance doing several things or on the efort we put doing things. Also, being strong means having a lot of musculature and most of it comes from genetics, bus beeing mentaly strong means never giving un and never stop trying and never stop until succeed. METAPHYSICS Ignacio Zuazu 1 BATX B
Existeix un estàndard de bellesa?
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Nowadays, love realationships are based on loving each other, and the beauty perspective is different in each human being, but on the other hand, we can fing model agencys whe are setting cualities that are based on people's interests. So... : "Is there a standard of beauty?" Why the setting of standards is discriminated by gender? Why are we setting standards in fashion matters, if fashion is suposed to show what society likes, and every human being likes diferent things? Astheitcs Marc Garcia 1 BATX B
Per trobar la llibertat tenim que pasar una porta?
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Humans tend to be in comfort zone to be comfortable and without danger, but sometimes we do not know whats behind that door, whats outside that comfort zone so, if we croos it what will we find? Wisdom? Trouble? We will never know if we do not do it. So there is where I want to go to determine why we tend to be always where we are protected and not where we are about to discover something new. Metphysics Santi Ochoa 1 BAT B