
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: octubre, 2019

Per que molta gent no es para a pensar el que té i ho valora?

Feta per Anna Magrinyà I’ve made this question because is relationated with this picture for many reasons. In my opinion there are a lot of people that don’t valorate what they have and in this picture we see somewhere where you could stop, and think at least for some minutes, in a relaxed way, what do we have and how much lucky they are to have it. I’m talking about, for example, some people don’t have grandfathers or grandmothers and other people that they do, they just ignore them. Some people don’t deserve what they have because they don’t valorate the effort that their parents or someone has done to make the things they have.

¿Qué valores le faltan a la sociedad de hoy en dia?

Feta per Andrea Gomez Yesterday I go climbing to the mountains with my father, and I was looking at the city, and I start thinking about the ethics of the society and the values. What is good and what is bad and also if the human is good in nature and the society corrupt us. Personally I think that when we are little, we are good and pure, but as we grow, we confront to problems and bad situations that turn us ‘bad’, however is not an excuse to say that all human is bad because of the society, because there’re people that live in a society and they’re good.

Que és l'afecte?

Feta per Celia Poole Affection, is the feeling of love or affection towards a person, animal, object,... that normally we want your company and your good. For me the affection is the feeling of comfort, security, calm and love, and in this picture all these aspects are reflected. 

Existeix una belleza universal i objectiva per a tothom?

Feta per Valeria Darnell This photography show a girl looking at an art work at the MoMA Museum in New York. She really liked this picture and actually enjoyed looking at it, but is it the same with every person that looks and stares this same piece of art? When another person enters the room, will they have the same thoughts and emotions as she had and felt looking at this picture? And so from this, it relates to the question as it asks what is the beauty of this piece of art. Because many people can consider the same picture or sculpture beautiful but many others may not think the same way. So there is also a search for a universal beauty that everyone agrees with, or maybe that is impossible as it is always subjective. All of this is what I’m trying to transmit with this photography of this girl appreciating the art work, and actually liking it.

Que és el respecte?

Feta per Miriam Villalba The  respect is to accept to the other person consider that they does not share the same tastes, same religion, same ideology... in the photo we can see two people who are grab their hand even if they carry a flag that represents their political ideology and, as we can see, it is not the same and even if it is not the same flag, they are respected and loved without the same idea as they have learned to accept.


Feta per Alex Miró I know that this question is very common, but it is very interesting because we still doubt about the reasons that make us happier and if we are happy from the chilhood. And i think that in the chilhood almost all of us are happy because we are comfortable, without worries...


Feta per Cristina Roa The relationship that this photo has with the title of: Does justice really exsist? is that in this case, I want  to express that there are countries that because of being born there or living there makes you have unfair living conditions. An example is people from countries where children cannot study or receive an education. This is unfair. We should all have the right to study and they don´t have it. What I want to get is does iT really exist justice if there are people who are born without it?

Que hi ha més enllà? Hi ha algú que ens controla?

Feta per Alvaro Giral When we look at the sky we think about what things we do not know that are beyond the sky or even further, what is there beyond the very end of the universe or is the universe infinite? This led us to think if there is a god or someone who controls everything all around the world, the universe and even the people so are we actually real? Do we do actions by our own decision or is it that someone makes us do this actions?

D'on procedeix el coneixement?

Feta per Lucca Ferreira The knowledge comes from the experience, it is generated over time. Over time, a person acquires knowledge through study, living with people with more experience (parents, grandparents, etc.). Knowledge makes a person know that knowledge. My photograph represents the quest for knowledge. Often it does not come from books, but books are a way to gain knowledge without the direct help of others. The search for truth is nothing more than the search for ourselves and the creation of our personal truth.

¿Som bones o dolentes persones per naturalesa?

We don't have a guide on how we should behave, so the question arises: are we good or bad people by nature? The environment is a very considerable point that helps the person's behavior, although there are cases in which no, but from there another question arises. So what is the use of genetics? In the photo we see Homer Simpson, on one shoulder he has an angel and the other the devil, he does not know what to do, the answer is in what we feel, trying to always be favorable for everyone.

Què és una artista?

Feta per Claudia Rossi This photo makes you wonder if some drawings are better than another, if realistic art is better or attracts more than abstract art. When we are in front of a work of great value and we only see a couple of lines and circles we think that anyone could do that, and we ask ourselves what makes an artist. For some, only those with artistic skills and whose works please many people can be artists, while others say that everyone can be an artist.


There is people who think the human being is born very selfish and agressive but I think totally the opposite, I think the human beeing  is born good and empathic, because if one person sees another one suffering, he feels a natural inclination to help. But if it's like this, what is   the thing that make us sometimes  be a little bit  selfish when we told someone that one thing is only mine and of my property?

¿Com és una amistat de veritat?

Feta per Martina López Friendship, unlike family, is chosen and not required. All forms of love require friendship. Real friends are like treasures, and there are enough  fingers in one hand to tell everyone. Real friends are the ones who will always be there for you without any excuse, those to whom you can tell everything without feeling judged and feeling heard. Deep and sincere friendships are scarce and, therefore, it is good that we learn to value them.

Quant dura el present?

Feta per Cristina Gaspart The relation between the image I chose and the question I made is that both have something to do with time. By the one hand, in the question, we are asking ourselves about what we considerate the present time. Does it last a day, a year or a week? Does it even have duration? We are trying to make the reader figure that out. By the other hand, in the photograph we can see the image of a wall-clock.    It represents time, however this clock can only register the time within hours.  

Que es ser normal?

Feta per Luis Alonso This photo represents the question because remarks the difference between people and shows that depending on the place and culture normality changes, for example in Africa is normal that in a class there is only Black people, but here in Spain for example is not normal and the same the other way around

Que hi ha més enllà?

Feta per Roger Porta The skyline of the photo is relacionated to the question "what is beyond?" because we don't know where is the end of the univers, so as like as the photo shows, we don't know where the skyline finishes. A lthough we have developed very advanced technology, a ctually we are limited, we can't know what is there after the universe, nobody has proved. Maybe the planet where we live belongs to something else that we still have to find out or maybe what we know is the end, there isn't anything else, but what is beyond?


Feta per Martina Buera I was looking at my dog and I stopped to notice her way of acting. I realized she also made herself questions and I think every living being does that. She is very thoughtful and I think she also looks at details and asks questions about life and everything.  Dogs also want to be wise. 


Feta per Mario Tena The relation that has the text with the image is that the question talks about the permanent felicity, the image is a glazed mirror with a smiley face on it: the smiley face it is the felicity and the glazed mirror is the permanent. The question and the photo also have one thing in uncommon or common, the face won’t be permanent ¿and the felicity?

Perquè és tan difícil explicar lo què és un color?

Feta per Sandra Barjau It is supposed that we all see colors in the same way, but we do not describe them in the same way. When you ask a person to explain what the green color looks like he can answer with his own opinion, but it is totally different to another person’s opinion. And that doesn’t mean his answer is correct or incorrect. So how do we know if what we have learned or what we think is right or wrong? Or another question is: why does someone feel more attracted  to a color than to another, is there a better color? Are there good and bad things or it is only what the society has made us believe?

Estar amb els nostres amics ens fa més humans?

Feta pe Claudia Puig In the picture we see a group of friends having fun together and we could ask ourselves: why do we humans feel better with people around us? Perhaps, we could say that we feel more humans because we experience feelings/sensations that other animals cannot distinguish such as: happiness, sadness, frustration or many others. 

El cel o la tierra, què és millor?

My question is: when we die, we can go to heaven or just die (belief of religion). God exists? Is there something more than death and heaven? We can't answer those questions because we do not have proof. But fate can answer the questions about death(religion). And if being dead is good for us, like before, we can't answer with logic.

En un món que educa per l'auto-odi, estimar-se és rebel•lia.?

Feta per Maria Cortés Nowadays, we live in a society that is marked by stereotypes which establish which women or men are beautiful. Based on my few experience, as a teenager, I consider that this age is when we start growing up emotionally and personally, apart from hormonally and physically. As I’ve said, as we are growing up we want to try new things and sometimes with our friends, who are growing up too, from the positive to the negative perspective. Moreover, we become more sociable and almost all teenagers tend to have social networks. Our society is full of standards of beauty, that also appears in social networks, that can cause emotional insecurity and low self-esteem to a person who is growing up emotionally when he compares his body with the stereotype of perfect man or woman. In consequence, when a teenager or an adult is growing up and he loves himself, with his imperfections, which make him perfect, he opposes the laws of the society which set if a person is beautifu...

Després de la mort ve el Paradís?

Feta per Carlota Agustín Paradise is a place of exceptional happiness and delight. In paradise there is only peace, prosperity, and happiness. Paradise is often described as a "higher place", the holiest place, in contrast to this world. Its original meaning refers to an extense well looking garden, which is presented as a beautiful and pleasant place, where in addition to trees and flowers caged or free animals are seen. In religion people belive that there is more after death, that's why i chose this photo to represent the paradise: beacause of the tall trees, the water and the greenish look.

Som tots capaços de raonar i aprendre?

Feta per Alexander Martinell T he   relationship  b etween  the  i mage   and  the  title ,  is   that   ou r   knowledge   or   desire   to   learn   depends   on   each   one .  I   have   compared   i t   to   pigeons  b ecause   just   as   p igeons   fly   to   survive   we   learn   to   adapt   and   survive . Without our capacity of reasoning we would be extinct, because with the help of the  capacity of reasoning we can communicate, we can learn how is the world look like,  and adapt in order to survive.

Tot paisatge amb bona llum és bonic?

Feta per Carlota Gomez As we can see this photo is the train tracks, when we see the train tracks during the day usually we don't think that they are beautifull and we want to take photos or them, so we don't see beauty and art on them. Bur if we change the light, and we put some sunset or sunrise everything changes. Our vision about an object or place can change. If we see a landscape, any type, with good light that means a beauty and artistic one, our perspective is different, because we start to aprecciate the little details we dont't see during the day. The conclusion is that a good light, depeding on the object or landscape can be different, make us see the real beauty and art about life.

"Quines són les nostres obligacions morals amb els demés?"

Feta per Xavi Bertrán T he moral obligation is defined as the pressure that exerts the reason on the will, against a value. When a person captures a value with his intelligence, he is requested by that value and then the intelligence proposes to the will the realization of such value. It is therefore a requirement of reason, based on an objective value, but that is born from the most intimate of a person: the very reason. And in the image we can see an example of moral obligation, in this case, there are two boys from different football teams who voluntarily come together, we can see that the value captured by both is the respect and their intelligences they propose to the will the realization of this value, the respect