
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: octubre, 2018

És legítim pel planeta el cost de l'evolució de l'home en front del de 8.500.000 especies?

Branca: Antropologia Humana The idea behind the photo is that the human being is on top of the pyramid of the evolution and the rest of the spices are smaller and in a weaker position. If you watch carefully the photo, you will notice that there is only one human being, but there are millions of stones..... Taking this fact in consideration we can ask ourselves different questions: Are we entitle to use, and abuse, the rest of the spices to accomplish our goals? The evolution of the human being is also the evolution of the Earth?  Is it possible that Nature would have helped us more if we would have been more respectful with Her? We can only guess, because the harm is already done... Fet per: Ricard Galceran


TROBEM FILOSOFIA A LES TENDES? Natura has an important philosophy. All their products must be  natural, ecological or good for the environment. Their business philosophy is to have products with this characteristics. They are part of the branch "ETHICS". Carla  Fernández 1r BATX IB

Per què canviem amb el temps?

Glòria Romero, 1º IB Per què canviem amb el temps? Aquesta foto pertany a la branca de la filosofia de la ment. I relate picture to concept mainly due to the two framed photos, where we can see two separate young people unworriedly posing for the camera. It is obvious that the photos are old and thus the people shown in them have grown up, hence the fact that they, as individuals, have changed. The books in the background are related to the change in literature, which is strongly connected to the change of beliefs and thus to the change of our society and the world. Basically, the question does not only refer to the growth of humans but also the evolution of the world itself. All of this we can find inside the philosophy of mind because the questions refer to how our mind works and changes and how, then, we grow as a whole.

L'amistad té un límit?

L'amistad té un límit? Branch: Anthropology Is there an end or a limit of the friendship? No one knows the answer. In my own opinion, the friendship never ends. Maybe there was a chance coincidence let two girls meet, but the footprints of the time would make them attempt to be sisters and best friends. Even there would have disagreements and quarrels between them during their lives, but if the friendship is true, what ever it happens, they would face up and find the way together. The friendship would continue until the end of their lives.

Is it ethical that some people have so much and some others so little?

Is it ethical that some people have so much and some others so little? In my opinion everyone has to have a minimum of necessary goods because we all have the same rights. But I think that if you have this money because you work a lot to get it you diserve it. Ana Cardenal 1r BATX IB B

Què és la música?

¿Què és la música? (Júlia Pons, 1r Batxillerat IB A) Aesthetics What is music? You can descrive it as a mix of sounds plus feelings, and that is what I tried to represent with this picture. A musician feels the instrument he/she is playing and uses his/her own feelings to produce different sounds and express his/her emotions. Zona de los archivos adjuntos

¿Què és la innocència?

¿Què és la innocència?  Pregunta relacionada amb la branca de la epistemologia. Basically the image by itself is pretty much self-explanatory. When we think about innocence we automatically associate with children. Young people fit into this stereotype because of their lack of experience, they have this naive aura around them. But here is where the debate steps in. What about the children that have gone through horrible experiences? Are they still considered innocent?  What criteria do we use to differentiate someone who is innocent from someone who is not?  Beatriz Barot, 1r IB-B

No es la vida cent cops massa breu per aburrir-nos?

¿No es la vida cien veces demasiado breve para aburrirnos? Pertany a la metafísica. This sentence was quoted by Friederich Nietsche. The picture represents a fully scheduled week in a students life. Life is too short to waste it.  We are free to decide what do we wanna do and at what time we wanna do it.  Life is too short to complain.  We need to realize that even the most boring job can be entretaining and joyful.  We should live the present  fully  and not  relay in the past. It's important to feel greatful about everything we have and appreciate every single moment, after all we only live once. María Mitjans  1r BATX IB A

Que hi ha més enllà del nostre món?

Que hi ha més allà del nostre món? This question is clearly related to the philosophical branch Metaphysics, because it questions the truth even though there is justification or not.  We can observe better all the stars in this photo rather than with our eyes, this is because of the camera and the type of resolution. Anyway, it makes us think and realise that our world is small in comparison to all the universe that surrounds it and can make us question exactly what the universe is.  Laura Ruiz de Azúa 1 IB B

L'amistat te un limít?

L'amistat te un límit? Branch: Anthropology Is there an end or a limit of the friendship? No one knows the answer. In my own opinion, the friendship never ends. Maybe there was a chance coincidence let two girls meet, but the footprints of the time would make them attempt to be sisters and best friends. Even there would have disagreements and quarrels between them during their lives, but if the friendship is true, what ever it happens, they would face up and find the way together. The friendship would continue until the end of their lives. Emily Fang 1r BATX IB B

Són les fotografies les culpables de la idealització dels records?

Aquesta pregunta pertany a la rama de la Gnoseologia, la qual s'encarrega d'estudiar la possibilitat, els fonaments, la naturalesa, el valor i els límits del coneixement. Una de les teories del coneixement és l'idealisme, idea desenvolupada per Immanuel Kant. Photography helps us go back to a certain time and space, when that photo was taken. We don't usually stop and meditate about what happened on that day (as a whole), we just remember the exact time the camera clicked. Feelings flourish in us when remembering it and how time has changed or how the relationship you had with the people that appeared with you on that pic has altered. We tend to use these photos to idealise the past, so it becomes more bearable. Cristina Homet

Què són els números?

Què són els números? Epistemologia The relation between this photo and this question is that both are talking about numbers. Numbers are created by our ancestors and we use it a lot now a days, for example the price that it is written in a product or the process and solution of a math exercise are all written with numbers. Numbers are esencial for us, but when we think more about it, what does number mean? What is 5 and what is 8? JiaQi Ye, 1 IB

I si tot fos fruit de la nostra imaginació?

Nom: Suki Xie Chen Classe IB I si tot fos fruit de la nostra imaginació?  Imagination is an action that is related with creation. We all know that imagination is fake, is not real. But what does real mean? If we think about it, we can not assure what's reality, neither the irreality. And then appears a question that is "what if everything included our lifes were just fake", if we were just creation of our minds and we do not really exist...That means that we are like an experiment made of our brains, and when we die then that's the start of the real life.

Qui ha decidit que això és bellesa? Tu?

Qui ha decidit que això és bellesa? Tu? Maybe she is pretty or not, but respect to who? Is it our personal opinion that deals with this decisions or does society establish a pretty and an ugly. It's never completely us who decide, we are always influenced by someone's opinion or we are guided by the fear of what could happen if we thought differently. This immense questions are studied by Aesthetics. Rita Marin 1 IB A

Que és "casa" pels éssers humans?

Clase: 1r IB Branca: Ètica  Que és "casa" pels éssers humans?  Home, what is it? M aybe it is  a place that we live, or it also can be anywhere that our family live. Home is very important for us, because it does not matter what places we have visited or how far it is, we always want to go home because for us it is the best place on the world.  More than a place, it is like somewhere that we belong to, and there is always somebody who is waiting for you. I took this picture when I was going to my house, it took 2 hours, but no matter how long it takes or how far it is, I always want to go home.  For all the humans on this world, there is somewhere called "home" for them, it is not a physical existence, it is more an emotional or sentimental  existence.

Poden encaixar dues generacions diferents en un mateix moment?

Poden encaixar dues generacions diferents en un mateix moment? Epistemologia My grandmother, who is 75 years old, has grown up in a world where the maximum novelty was the television and where the kids played in the street. My cousin, 15, has grown up between technology and in a plural society with completely different values from those my grandmother saw while she was growing up. Beyond the age difference, it's impossible for them to come to understand each other perfectly, but as they coincide in time, these two worlds are mixed giving each other knowledge from a completely different world. Ade Ortiz 1r BATX IB A

Què es considera madurar?

Què es considera madurar? Emotional maturity is usually related to years of experience in life, but in fact, age is not a necessary condition to be mature, sometimes it has nothing to do with it.  Even though maturity is an abstract concept, our experiences make us grow as a person, not in a biological way but in an emotional way. Becoming able to accept your responsibilities and having autonomy, these are conditions of maturity. We can relate this concept with the branch of epistemology, also called theory of knowledge. Ivet Pareras 1 IB B

Is this flame in constant change?

Is this flame in constant change? So there’s a philosopher named Heraclit that said that the fire is the arje of life that means that everything is made of fire. Also said that everyone and everything is constantly changing, so in that case the flame is never going to be the same, each time is going to have different color and different meaning. Lucia Calvano 1r BATX IB

Amplia els tus horitzons

AMPLIA ELS TEUS HORIZONTS  The tunnel is dark and I can’t assure whether there is light at it’s end. In order to discover a light beam, I have to walk through it, taking the risk that it involves. Nico Bianco

És real el nostre univers?

Graham O'Neill 1batIB ¿És real el nostre univers? Is our universe real? Our universe could be real or it could be not. No one knows because no one has reached the conclusion or the real facts that could tell us if it is real or not. We were all born into this universe not knowing what we are doing here and what this place could actually be. Someone could easily be looking over us or controlling us and we would never know because we do not know the universe and if it is real. Many say that the figure and meaning of God is the person or being that looks over us and controls the universe, nut this is unknown. The universe itself is unknown.


My Dog is over a plastic pool, that means he can break it with his paws whiteout knowing, and that would cause a problem. BRANCH-MORAL  Fet per: OT MAESTRO MOLINA

Els coneixements s'obtenen o simplement els tenim a la ment i es van activant a mida que aprenem coses noves?

Fet per: Pablo Lazaro

Els límits realment existeixen o són només una percepció de cadascú?

We can talk about a limit like a terminal point that someone fixs. Since this definition is very open, we can make a lot of questions about it, like: Why do we set limits? Does everything has a limit? Can we know how far is our limit? Do the limits really exist or are just a perception? As we can see, these questions are very difficult to answer, because we don’t possess the a unique answer, we can’t reach the limits or we need to have been there to explain it. So, to answer to this question we would need more knowledge to prove it. This means that unknowledge is what marks the limits. The main question means if there are limits or there is a self-limitation made by our limiting beliefs. The relation between the main question and the picture, is the limit that has our vision. We can see a road that goes towards the horizon, but we can’t know if there is something at the end. Branca: Metafísica / Epistemologia Fet per: Adrià Baselga

¿ Algunas cosas sólo necesitan tiempo, nueve madres no hacen un bebé en un mes, no crees ?

In this philosophical phrase you can appreciate the meaning, in which there are things in this life that when you change the meaning is totally different from reality. As in this case, since a mother takes nine months to give birth, but nine mothers, no matter how much they get together, will not be able to give birth to a baby in a single month. Therefore, this phrase makes you think about the meaning of life and the meaning of language. Branca:  Metafísica-estudio de la realidad y Filosofía del lenguaje-filosofía en el lenguaje Fet per:  Tonet Márquez

¿Que hace algo bonito para que lleguemos a hacerle una foto?

What makes something beautiful so that makes us take a photo? It’s necessary? Why? This are different questions we don’t usually make ourselves and we should think about it. Instead of taking pictures we should pay more attention to the landscapes that sometimes we don’t appreciate. Probably we won’t see it again. Next time you’re going to take a picture think about it first. Fet per: Marta Quesada


The aesthetic philosophy, includes everything related to beauty, but really for people everything beautiful, is it aesthetic? Many things are beautiful but you also have to look at that thing inside, because its meaning may not be beautiful; An example can be a person, on the outside it can be beautiful but on the other hand on the inside it can not be, or vice versa. Branch: Philosophical aesthetics Fet per: Enric Font

A on porta la llum?

A ON PORTA LA LLUM? Metaphysics This photograph symbolizes the traffic to the afterlife, the other life, and raises the question of whether this new stage in our spiritual life really exists. For thousands of years, humans have idolized God that balanced the universe, between the life of the physical world and the metaphysical one, the nature of the latter is given according to the actions committed in the physical world. This is one of the multiple justifications that gives meaning to human existence; since the rational nature of the human genre needs to respond to everything. A very popular way of representing the traffic towards the other life is that of a tunnel, where the end is perceived as a white light, the end of the journey of life. The picture was made with a kitchen paper and a flashlight. Sebastián Román  1 Batx E
Presència finita, reflexe infinit. Quina és la realitat? En el nostre dia a dia veiem i convivim amb la realitat, però quan ens mirem al mirall, només veiem un reflex: el nostre reflex. Però, i si la verdadera realitat és el que veiem en el mirall i nosaltres només som un simple reflex de la realitat? En aquesta fotografia podem observar la imatge d’ un mirall seguit de molts altres, però de veritat sabríem dir quin és el real? El reflex és algo infinit, algo que podem veure però que mai presenciem el final, no te límit. Marta Gorchs 1 BATX E

Que determina la inocencia?

We take it for granted that it is innocence, because science we where childrens we have learned that lack of knowledge, not knowing what you are doing and knowing if it is wrong or good .   They determine how innocent you are.   But what is innocence really and how to know if a person or animal in this case, is aware of what he does or if he does it with evil.   I have put  the picture of my dog breaking a cushion as a sample and to test his innocence.   In that moment you can not determine if what he does is because he wants to play or because he wants to break it because he knows he can not do it.   Even though there is always a limit to innocence as we grow older, we say we lose our innocence, because we gain knowledge and know how to behave.   However, because even so, there are things that do the aults that show innocence.   Fet per: Nieves Ruperez Branca: Philosophical Anthropology
Why do we love things that actually burn? El Sol ( del latin sol, solis (dios Sol Invictus) o (solo) ), Para mi esto es un ejemplo del Ying y Yang, es decir siempre hay luz en algo malo y en lo bueno siempre hay algo malo. También es muy curiosos como nos atrae objetos/persones que producen grandes problemas de salud etc... es decir: ( quemaduras solares, fotodermatitis, manchas, fotosensibilidad, cancer...) Maria Enrich 1er Batx e

Per què hi ha alguna cosa en lloc de res

Our presence in the Universe is too complex to explain it in words. Our daily life takes us to live life and allow ourselves to be enveloped by everyday problems, which we perceive normally and by which we perceive that life has some meaning.    Fet per: Pablo Aparicio Branca: Metafísica

És el mar el qui envolta a la terra o la terra qui envolta al mar?

In this photo you can see the sea and the land, but in the photo you can't see the whole Earth. We have never asked our selves this question but seeing this photography we can think about it and if you think it, non of them are reallty correct. The water or the sea isn't sorrounding the earth and vice versa. So I've made you this question just because Iwanted you to think. Fet per: Maria Prats Branca: E pistemologia

A quina velocitat viatja el temps?

At what speed does the time travel? I link this question with this image (that i took last december) because we don't really know at what speed des the time travel. The image conveys speed but the cars did not go at high speed. Can we relate this fact in life? We have the feeling that life happens faster or slower depending on how we live it but in fact the speed of time is always the same... Or not. Mariona Torras 1r Batx A


The future is something that makes us feel intrigue or at least curiosity, because is something unpredictable that can happen somewhen after the present. Besides curiosity we have some respect and fear. So that is why I am asking myself the following question: Are we people that act or say or decide things or we do not do that for fear of what can happen on the future, or is the future being predestined since we have born and we cannot do anything against it?  The light that appears in the photo represents the future, and the hand represents us and that curiosity we have for the future. Fet per: Lola Bofill Branca: Lògica

¿Vivim en un mon real?

In the image you can see a computer with a background of the film Matrix. If you know what is the film about you will understand the question for the picture, because in Matrix people is living in a virtual world created for robots. Branca: metafísica Fet per: Alejandro Bernad

Les coses passen per alguna raó o som nosaltres la raó de que tot passi?

The principal object of this photo as we can see is the nature. And the question that I have made is : The trees had appeared for any reason there or we are the reason why this trees are there? Are we the ones who unconsciously provoke everything to happen around us? if we think that everything happens for some reason the reason has to be caused by someone or something. An example could be nature we have not chosen how we want nature to look like but maybe we have been the cause of it for being this way and not another. Fet per: Anna Castello Branca:  Epistemologia
Títol: Es podria considerar el tabac un suïcidi ? Branch which it belongs:  It belongs to ethics because it is a wrong action that some people do in their lifes, but also aesthetics because smoking affects to your natural beauty, such as your black teeths or your smell of tobacoo. Explanation of the photograph:   I have done this photo because i consider that smoking is one of the worst actions a human can do, because smoking affects to your life in an obvious way. What i want to express with this photo simbolically, is the duration of your life as a smoker expressed by a cigarrete.  The beggining of burning a cigar symbolize when you take a cigarrete and you ligth it up for the first time, then when the cigar is becoming smaller little by little represents when you are like getting addicted to it, and finally when the cigar is finised at all, means when you die earlier than what you expected because of beeing a smoker all your life. Aria...

Quan va començar el temps?

The explanation for this philosophical picture is that as we don’t know when time was “invented”, we don’t know when anything started. Fet per: Max Larrosa
com sabem que dormim o estem desperts? In this image I want to express how we can know how we sleep or are awake. In this picture a dog comes out,that we do not know whether he sleeps or is awake, because we really know how we sleep or are awake, or that our life is just a dream and that we and the family do not really exist. Also, because when we dream, there are dreams that we do not want them to end because we like them or they are perfect or also happen on the contrary, when we are awake you do not want the day to end because you are living a very important moment for you, how can we know? Mar saladrigas 1r batx e