Són les fotografies les culpables de la idealització dels records?
Aquesta pregunta pertany a la rama de la Gnoseologia, la qual s'encarrega d'estudiar la possibilitat, els fonaments, la naturalesa, el valor i els límits del coneixement. Una de les teories del coneixement és l'idealisme, idea desenvolupada per Immanuel Kant.
Photography helps us go back to a certain time and space, when that photo was taken. We don't usually stop and meditate about what happened on that day (as a whole), we just remember the exact time the camera clicked. Feelings flourish in us when remembering it and how time has changed or how the relationship you had with the people that appeared with you on that pic has altered. We tend to use these photos to idealise the past, so it becomes more bearable.
Cristina Homet
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