Com de profunds poden ser els nostres pensaments? (Alma Sierra)
Com de profunds poden ser els nostres pensaments?
Alma Sierra
How deep can our thoughts be?
We spend all of our lives thinking, even if we don't want to. Sometimes our thoughts are as trivial as "What am I going to do for lunch?". But there are sometimes where we start to think more, to meditate about what matters to us without even noticing. We've all had what we call "deep conversations" with someone. Maybe about love, life, conspiracy theories or parallel universes. But we've all had that moment where we find ourselves thinking more tan usual or maybe just in another way that we are not used to.
But we don't know hoy deep can we think. How far can our thoughts get. Different subjects and different moments, even different people, will make us think in different ways. We are concious of some things, yes. But where does our capacity to think end?
While I was questioning this, I remembered the moment when I took the picture. What we can see in it are the stairs of Madrid's metro. I already had been there, but the more I walked the more deep the metro station seemed to get. It reached a point where I thought I had already got to the end, but there was still the path shown in the picture left. I already knew that station was large and deep. Despite that, I got surprised.
The one thing I thought in that moment was "How deep is this station going to get?". I got my answer just a few seconds later, but I took the picture as well. Maybe some stairs cannot be compared to the greatness of our mind. But sure can it be the feeling of not knowing. The feeling of something being so deep that it is seems to be never-ending.
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