Hi ha un "cel"? (Lucas J. Imas)
Hi ha un "cel"?
Fet per Lucas Imas
(Alcudia, Mallorca)
Is there a heaven?
This philosophical question springs to mind every time I contemplate the amazing views of Mallorca, where my mother was raised. When I look to the landscape and the sky, I ask myself, is something beyond?
This philosophical question springs to mind every time I contemplate the amazing views of Mallorca, where my mother was raised. When I look to the landscape and the sky, I ask myself, is something beyond?
There I feel like I was in heaven, but does heaven even exist? Are we already there? If it exists is it more beautiful than Mallorca? Is it a physical place or a state of mind? Am I going to go to heaven? Am I going to hell? Does hell exist?
We often associate heaven with an idyllic paradise where we go after death if we have been kind in our life. As a Christian, I like to believe in an afterlife, which has two paths, heaven or hell, however, we can't prove it right until we one day expire.
This question has no limits, therefore, it's philosophical.
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