Què ha de fer una persona per a ser una "persona"? (Clàudia Galceran)
Què ha de fer una persona per a ser una "persona"?
Clàudia Galceran
Observing my surroundings I have noticed that nature has given different characteristics to each species. Characteristics that make this living being unique, and stand out in its own way.
For example, the chameleon with camouflage, or lynx with speed ... And humans? Humans have intelligence. But this is where I think myself if we really know how to make good use of it or not. I doubt the whole model of life and society that we have built. An ant to be an ant must only be born and follow the others. Instead, a person to be considered a person must study, work, have a good salary, must try to be better than others, must try to be superior to other species ...
Really, can we consider ourselves superior to an ant?
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