És necessari prendre vides per sobreviure?
Aquesta pregunta es troba entre la branca de l'ètica i la de la metafísica perquè ens fa reflexionar sobre si està bé posar fi a la vida d'altres éssers i ens fa replantejar la importància dels aliments que ens mengem.
People often think that the concept of taking a life is only applicable to humans. But it is much wider than that. A clear example is all the food we eat in order to feed ourselves; we take cows, chickens, turkeys and other animal’s lives to eat them. And yes, there are many people against that and become vegan or vegetarian, however that is not also killing something?
Both of them do not eat meat and instead eat vegetal food, they take fruits, plants or vegetables. Even so that is not also destroying vegetal lives? Or it does not count because leaves have no feelings? They actually have feelings?
The point is that, unfortunately, unless you are a plant that nourish itself because of the minerals in the floor, all living beings have to take lives to survive, whether they are animal lives or vegetal lives.
Mauricio Lavady
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