¿Com podem probar que som els nadons que erem quan vam nèixer?

Aquesta pregunta perteneix a la Metafísica perquè és una pregunta relacionada amb la identitat i aquesta no és tangible ni física, sino que va més enllà, es un terme abstracte. It is obvious that the first answer you'll think about is clearly no. We have phisically and psyquically grown, we are taller than we used to and we have gained weight, we have expanded our knowledge with experience and lessons from school, our parents have raised us to change our behavior so we can become polite and cultured people, we are not like our newborn selves by far. But then, what does remain from our initial selves? What can I say to prove that this baby is me? I asked myself this question because my parents once asked me why did I stopped smiling like I used to. My answer at that moment was that I wasn't that smiling little boy anymore, but now I think it is because I actually forgot who that smiling boy once was. And I think that's the answer to my earlier question: We may have literally changed every single physical and non physical trait from us, but we will always have our past. Our future and maybe even daily present can be unsure, but we have clear that we were born and that the existence of the baby and myself is something that we share, the existence of the left side of the picture proves the right side. I wouldn't be alive or even real if it wasn't because that newborn was there first. Gonzalo Torner


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