Estan els nostres gustos i opinions condicionats per l’entorn en el que vivim?

When we are born we are human beings with no opinion, with no preferences and with no worries. As we get older, we adapt our tastes and opinions to our environment. For example: if you were born into a Muslim family, it is more common for you to be part of that religion. If you live in a society where skirts and dresses are meant for girls, you will hardly see a boy with a skirt and if you live in a country where women are inferior to men you will think that is normal. In conclusion, I believe that at birth you are instilled with ideas and values ​​depending on the society in which you live in. Parents and the environment are the most influential on our personality and way of looking at life. In a way, we can say that we are born predestined to have certain ideas and opinions. Alèxia Codina


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