¿se puede poner límites al amor?

METAPHYSICS Can we put limits on love? How far would you go for True love? true and sincere love is difficult to define since each person feels and experiences it in a different way. But what would you do for love? would you risk your job? your personal life? or even your culture? for who you love? From my perspective if what you really feel is true love there are no limits in it, you do anything for fear of losing this person. Take any risk, and you would rather lose something of yours than lose the person. and if it really is true love you would not think twice and you would always put the other person before you. but is this good? From my point of view, thinking of that person before you is not bad as long as it is reciprocated and you don't lose yourself and you stop loving yourself. So there are limits in love? true love has no limits and moves mountains.in my photo you can see to hands holding that represents that love never breaks and if the two people go togehter there can not be limits between them. Lucía Rocafort


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