Aquesta pregunta filosòfica pertany a la branca de la filosofia política, la qual es refereix a la justificació i límits del control governamental dels individus. 

Aquesta branca englova el concepte de llibertat i la imposició de les lleis del govern. We live in a society which imposes a series of rules and laws that make us rethink the existence of our freedom and its meaning. We can say that we are free, but if we break that rules, it has some consequences. Then we deduce that the human being bases his life on these laws and for fear of the consequences of breaking them, he does not carry out some actions. We can feel free, but we are repressed about the consequences of breaking these laws, and we base our lives on them and we don’t do whatever we want because of it’s fear. 

Ferran Pujol - 1 BAT A


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