
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: novembre, 2019

Què ens fa diferents dels animals? (Nicola Tremonti)

Què ens fa diferents dels animals?    Feta per: Nicola Tremonti What makes us diffrent from animals? The purpose of this question is to make us think that what is the main thing that really makes us humans and not animals. Is it a biological difference or did we developed some special brain skills. Or maybe we were like this from the beginning. A lot of thinkers have different opinions about this and it is not so easy to know exactly the difference. This is because in fact we are all very similar. We have around 95% os similarities with pigs, 80% with flyes and 99% with monkeys or gorillas.

Com de profunds poden ser els nostres pensaments? (Alma Sierra)

Com de profunds poden ser els nostres pensaments? Alma Sierra How deep can our thoughts be? We spend all of our lives thinking, even if we don't want to. Sometimes our thoughts are as trivial as "What am I going to do for lunch?". But there are sometimes where we start to think more, to meditate about what matters to us without even noticing. We've all had what we call "deep conversations" with someone. Maybe about love, life, conspiracy theories or parallel universes. But we've all had that moment where we find ourselves thinking more tan usual or maybe just in another way that we are not used to.  But we don't know hoy deep can we think. How far can our thoughts get. Different subjects and different moments, even different people, will make us think in different ways. We are concious of some things, yes. But where does our capacity to think end? While I was questioning this, I remembered the moment when I took the pictur...

¿Crees que la relación entre una persona fallecida y una persona viva puede cambiar si esa descubre algo sobre el otro después de la muerte? (Marta Lis)

¿Crees que la relación entre una persona fallecida y una persona viva puede cambiar si esa descubre algo sobre el otro después de la muerte? Marta Lis Yo creo que tanto la pregunta como la fotografía se relacionan con la muerte, ya que el atardecer simboliza el final del día. Si lo pensamos bien a los niños nunca se les habla de la muerte porque para muchas personas es tema difícil de tratar, pero en cambio los atardeceres gustan a todo el mundo aunque simbolicen la muerte del día. Y alomejor esto pasa porque nadie nunca se ha llegado a plantear que el atardecer es la muerte del día. Contrariamente el amanecer es el nacimiento del día, y no a tanta gente le gusta ir a verlo cuando en teoría habría que celebrarlo porque es un nuevo comienzo. Hay personas que están muy unidas a un familiar ( por ejemplo una abuela, padre…) y cuando mueren descubren sus diarios que explicaban una vida de la que todo el mundo desconocía y esto hace que esa pers...

Hi ha un "cel"? (Lucas J. Imas)

Hi ha un "cel"? Fet per Lucas Imas (Alcudia, Mallorca) Is there a heaven? This philosophical question springs to mind every time I contemplate the amazing views of Mallorca, where my mother was raised. When I look to the landscape and the sky, I ask myself, is something beyond? There I feel like I was in heaven, but does heaven even exist? Are we already there? If it exists is it more beautiful than Mallorca? Is it a physical place or a state of mind?  Am I going to go to heaven? Am I going to hell? Does hell exist? We often associate heaven with an idyllic paradise where we go after death if we have been kind in our life. As a Christian, I like to believe in an afterlife, which has two paths, heaven or hell, however, we can't prove it right until we one day expire.  This question has no limits, therefore, it's philosophical.

Why do we find visual pleasure from things like nature

Per què trobem plaer visual en coses com la natura? Feta per Alex Ciria Why do we find visual pleasure from things like nature? When making a question about a photo, I thought of one of the best pictures in my photo gallery, which is the one above. I felt like talking about something good looking, would be more interesting as it's not usually discussed and philosophical questions tend to be about essential parts for humans instead of just something we enjoy. Every time I had looked at this photo I thought it looked really good, I never really gave it much thought, but this time i looked more in depth, it was still beautiful, but I thought to myself, why? This is just a photo of a bunch of cells and atoms. We don't tend to find all combinations of atoms and cells visually pleasing, so why are some sets just more attractive? At that moment my question was clear.

Què ha de fer una persona per a ser una "persona"? (Clàudia Galceran)

Què ha de fer una persona per a ser una "persona"? Clàudia Galceran What must a person do to be a person? And an ant to be ant? Observing my surroundings I have noticed that nature has given different characteristics to each species. Characteristics that make this living being unique, and stand out in its own way. For example, the chameleon with camouflage, or lynx with speed ... And humans? Humans have intelligence. But this is where I think myself if we really know how to make good use of it or not. I doubt the whole model of life and society that we have built. An ant to be an ant must only be born and follow the others. Instead, a person to be considered a person must study, work, have a good salary, must try to be better than others, must try to be superior to other species ... Really, can we consider ourselves superior to an ant?


EN QUIN MOMENT ÉS ACCEPTABLE I JUSTIFICAT SALTAR-SE LA LLEI? Feta per Inma Menacho WHEN IS ACCEPTABLE BREAK THE LAW? IN WHAT MOMENTS IT IS JUSTIFIED? I chose this picture because when I saw it I thought that, although it was illegal, the people who went to vote really believed that breaking this law was justified. This made asking myself more questions: when breaking a law is justified? because maybe for me it is justified but for another person it isn't; do we have in part the duty of not follow the laws that take away our freedom?; do we have to follow the laws that oppress us? I think no, but this raise another question: when we can say that a law is oppressive? ; The justification of breaking some law is something personal, ethic, moral…? I can't find the answer for this questions because every answer I find makes me ask myself more questions. I think that are questions that we won't never answer.

Som naturalment bons o dolents al néixer? (Jiajia Liu)

Som naturalment bons o dolents al néixer? Jiajia LIu Firstly, this picture shows a recently born baby. I decided to use this one because the question is about the nature of being humans. Therefore, I thought it would be good to link it with baby because it is when we start our life, in my opinion. Are we born naturally good or bad? This is is a question I've been wondering for a while, recently. I remember seeing my little cousin being cruel with other kids and the first idea that came to my mind was that he acted like that because his parents haven't educated him well. But is it true? Are humans naturally good? Do we act generous because it's inside of each of us or because we were taught to be like that? Take criminals as an example. Do they commit a crime because they feel forced or influenced by this world or it just comes from their very inside? I've also been questioning myself if we are born good and then our parents teach u...

What does it mean to be "friends" with someone or something? (Stan Schoots)

Què vol dir ser amics? What does it mean to be friends? This question asks what the definition of friends is but also what it means to be a friend. Why do we have friends, when is someone considered a friend. This question aplies to relationships between humans which friend being one of the most important one in my opinion. This resembles to the picture because its a group of "friends".

Com podríem definir el temps? (Nicolas Margarit)

Com podríem definir el temps? It is easy to say what we use time for, but if we ask ourselves about an exact definition for time is definitely going to be hard to find it even if we make a research on Google. This makes us think about how abstract time is, and that the best way to define these types of things is by examples, people would understand it even though still isn't being the definition  Time never started and is not going to finish even though we die, and the hole life disappears, time will keep running, the same way it has been always going. Think when time started, and when is going to finish. 

Els humans busquem la felicitat dels altres? (Isabel Soler Cabot)

Els humans busquem la felicitat dels altres?  Do humans seek happiness in other people? You may ask how did I arrive to dis question, it was really easy for me. This days I was looking for a picture that make me think and when I saw that picture, my mind moved immediatly to that moment. I felt the happiness that caused me to be in the sea ( my favorite place ) having fun with some of the most important people to me. That second fact is what has brought me to the principal question; If I hadn't been with my friends, would it have continued to be a happy moment? Maybe humans try to expend most of their time surrounded by people because we don't know how to be alone. But being with people doesn't mean that you are not alone, yo can feel alone even with a huge group of people by your side. We need to teach us self-happiness, and we need to be conscious about the moments we are really happy surrounded by people, and the moments we are just trying to be...

Necessitem amics? Per què? (Umer Muhammad)

Necessitem amics? Per què?   Do we need friends? Why? All people know how important friendship is in our life, to socialize, share your feelings, etc...  Also it's a necessary part of a healthy, well functioning life, the good life , in other words.  Friendship is about sharing the things we care about , one can understand the things one cares about better when that person shares it with others, where we can benefit someone for his/her own sake. There are different bases for friendships; some are for pleasure, shared enterprise, or deeper goals, things that make your life meaningful. But why living a life by yourself is not simply sufficient, why are friends needed? Because there is people who prefer to be alone all the time as they feel better, although that's not the majority of society.

El sentit de la vida és el mateix per als animals i per als humans? (Cristina Miret)

El sentit de la vida és el mateix per als animals i per als humans? The meaning of life is the same for animals than for humans? Cristina. Miret My philosophical question is about how different, animals, can thing from persons. How we live in the same planet and space but maybe they think in a different way. I said maybe because we don't really know how and what they think because unfortunately dogs or any other animals don't use the same language than us, and that is why we don't know how they can have other opinions. I have this question because I have a dog and I want to know how he thinks and what is his opinion about how we act and all the things that happen around us. One of the reasons of why I'm interested is because I want know how they see the dimensions of the things and what is their opinion of the humans from their point of view. Also how they describe life and what is the meaning for them.

Per què hi ha alguna cosa en comptes del no-res al nostre voltant? (Elena Mainer)

Per què hi ha alguna cosa en comptes del no-res al nostre voltant? Why is there something instead of nothing surrounding us?   Elena Mainer Insa Our presence in the Universe is too complex to explain in words. Our day-to-day life makes us be all day long thinking about our obligations, necessities, problems and other aspects of life that maintain us occupied, and don't let us much time to reflect on looking for possible answers to questions related to life, like: How is it possible that we are alive? Or, was there nothing before there was something? And hundreds of questions more that we aren't able to answer yet. So the thing is: will we be able to answer some of the Universes questions someday to be conscious about how it all works and worked? I've chosen this picture because I think this landscape has different perspectives of seeing life. Depending on if you focus on the people, the sea, the rocks, the clouds or the sky you can understand the Unive...

Quin és el significat de l'amor veritable? (Pedro Eichmann)

Quin és el significat de l'amor veritable? "What is the meaning of true love?" Pedro Eichmann  I have picked this question because the person in this picture is a good friend whom i have shared many beautiful moments with. 

Som realment els propietaris d'alguna cosa? (Nicolás Rojas)

Are we really the owners of something? Feta per: Nicolás Rojas My philosophical question is about ownership. It really is: “Are we really the owners of something?” Let me explain you briefly what do I want to say and the reason of the photography linked with this file. Well, if you ask yourself this question, you may get different answers, as indeed, there are.   For example, let’s say I buy a t-shirt. In the exact same moment of the purchase the item’s mine, right? Well, it is, but let’s imagine that one day, I lose it. The first person who finds it will occupy my place as the owner, so the item will stop being mine. Now this might sound obvious, but to clarify even more, if you think of bigger objects, such as a house, you will suddenly realise that in the moment you die, it is not yours anymore. So I got to the conclusion that nothing belongs to us, at least forever, as we will trade, sell and lose things.  

Quina d'aquestes percepcions és la real? (Marc Mola)

Which of these perceptions of the watch is real? (Marc Mola) Watching at the watch, the rabbit perhaps is scared. The hen perhaps relates it with a simple object or perhaps it doesn't even realise that it has the watch in front of it. And the human maybe thinks about time, the brand of the watch or maybe what time they should pick up their children. Although it's obviously that they are seeing the same object, the only thing we really know is that animals and humans have different perception of life. Even humans, who belongs to the same species, have different perceptions of the same reality, which bring us to the following question: Which of these perceptions of the watch is real? Or in a more general way, which of these different perceptions of life is real? Maybe both, maybe anyone, who knows.

Quants diners calen per ser feliç? (Inés Roura)

How much money does it take to be happy?  Feta per: Inés Roura The obvious relation to the picture and through the question is that it is money, us humans have evolved to be attracted to being rich and succesful, We have evolved so much that we now want more money than we need to survive but why? I don't think money makes happiness but I also don't think that living on the streets with no food or home is okay for anyone either. 

Hi ha vida a altres planetes (Jan Villar)

HI HA VIDA A ALTRES PLANETES? FETA PER: JAN VILLAR For as long as people have lived on Earth, they've wondered if there are other places out there like this one, planets where other beings live. Now, for the first time in human history, we are on the verge of knowing the answer. Soon, we may find other living worlds. Finding another planet like Earth would be really exciting for astronomers, as it would mean changing what we think we know. If our star, the Sun, has planets, shouldn't other stars have planets, too? No one knew the answer to this question until about the mid-1990s, when the first planets were found around nearby stars. We call a planet orbiting a star other than the Sun an "exoplanet." Nowadays there've been discovered over 400 of them, but none resemble the Earth

Com percebem les emocions? (Sílvia Cánovas)

          How do we perceive emotions?                           Feta per: Sílvia Cánovas