
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: octubre, 2020


Aquesta pregunta filosòfica pertany a la branca de la filosofia política, la qual es refereix a la justificació i límits del control governamental dels individus.  Aquesta branca englova el concepte de llibertat i la imposició de les lleis del govern. We live in a society which imposes a series of rules and laws that make us rethink the existence of our freedom and its meaning. We can say that we are free, but if we break that rules, it has some consequences. Then we deduce that the human being bases his life on these laws and for fear of the consequences of breaking them, he does not carry out some actions. We can feel free, but we are repressed about the consequences of breaking these laws, and we base our lives on them and we don’t do whatever we want because of it’s fear.  Ferran Pujol - 1 BAT A

Estan els nostres gustos i opinions condicionats per l’entorn en el que vivim?

When we are born we are human beings with no opinion, with no preferences and with no worries. As we get older, we adapt our tastes and opinions to our environment. For example: if you were born into a Muslim family, it is more common for you to be part of that religion. If you live in a society where skirts and dresses are meant for girls, you will hardly see a boy with a skirt and if you live in a country where women are inferior to men you will think that is normal. In conclusion, I believe that at birth you are instilled with ideas and values ​​depending on the society in which you live in. Parents and the environment are the most influential on our personality and way of looking at life. In a way, we can say that we are born predestined to have certain ideas and opinions. Alèxia Codina


Aquesta pregunta entra a la branca de existencialisme. You cannot know if what you are looking for in this life is to be happy or to make someone happy. So when you can do both you have to take advantage of it. The moment when you are feeling happy and giving away happiness, may not last long and in the end it will become a memory. Therefore, people who can fully enjoy this moment are very lucky. The majority of times when you experience this sensation is usually when you are around your family. And your family can also be those friends who have been in the best and worst moments. This photograph shows the feeling and sensation of how much happiness both parts receive. Natàlia Rabasseda

La perfecció afecta la nostra felicitat?

L'estètica Perfection is that which has no defect, like living in a world in which everything is fine. If everything were perfect there would be nothing perfect, and that would affect our happiness. It would affect our happiness in a way that everything must be perfect, to fulfill that a maximum effort is required, that would harm the human being, if it does not get to the level that it wanted,it's not perfect, and that entails psychological problems. Focused on the religious concept, for Catholics the definition of perfection is God, there is no other perfection apart from him. In that sense, it is impossible to achieve perfection in any way. Ariadna Orozco

¿se puede poner límites al amor?

METAPHYSICS Can we put limits on love? How far would you go for True love? true and sincere love is difficult to define since each person feels and experiences it in a different way. But what would you do for love? would you risk your job? your personal life? or even your culture? for who you love? From my perspective if what you really feel is true love there are no limits in it, you do anything for fear of losing this person. Take any risk, and you would rather lose something of yours than lose the person. and if it really is true love you would not think twice and you would always put the other person before you. but is this good? From my point of view, thinking of that person before you is not bad as long as it is reciprocated and you don't lose yourself and you stop loving yourself. So there are limits in love? true love has no limits and moves mountains.in my photo you can see to hands holding that represents that love never breaks and if the two people go togehter th...

Què i qui és real?

- Aquesta pregunta pertany a la branca de la Metafísica. How can we know if everything around us is real? How do we know if people that we see are real and we are not imagine them. Maybe we are living in a dream where ourselves dream and create these people and these places of our day to day. Who knows? At best we are in a dream and we still have to wake up. and really death is the beginning of our life. We will never know what and who is real around us. Laia Trilla

Com influeix la societat en la nostra manera de vestir?

Estètica When the time has come when the rest of the people decide for you, that is, they influence you, your way of dressing, they make you stop wearing according to what things they will say or why they are no longer in "fashion" , this is a free way that we have to express how we are according to how we dress In conclusion, we have to dress how we really like and not how others would really like. Carla Gil

¿Com podem probar que som els nadons que erem quan vam nèixer?

Aquesta pregunta perteneix a la Metafísica perquè és una pregunta relacionada amb la identitat i aquesta no és tangible ni física, sino que va més enllà, es un terme abstracte. It is obvious that the first answer you'll think about is clearly no. We have phisically and psyquically grown, we are taller than we used to and we have gained weight, we have expanded our knowledge with experience and lessons from school, our parents have raised us to change our behavior so we can become polite and cultured people, we are not like our newborn selves by far. But then, what does remain from our initial selves? What can I say to prove that this baby is me? I asked myself this question because my parents once asked me why did I stopped smiling like I used to. My answer at that moment was that I wasn't that smiling little boy anymore, but now I think it is because I actually forgot who that smiling boy once was. And I think that's the answer to my earlier question: We may have lite...

Destí o casualitat?

La pregunta pertany a la branca de la metafísica, ja que busca criteris bàsics per determinar quins tipus de coses són reals. El destí i la casualitat són coses mentals, físiques i abstractes. Throughout our lives, we meet people who bring us experiences, feelings, values, etc. Just as we unwittingly contribute to others. Part of our life is chosen by us, our attitude, our work, our friends, etc, build our future. But what is external to us, we cannot control. Then, are we destined to meet the people we meet throughout our lives? Is our destiny programmed from the beginning of our existence? Are we the result of destiny or chance? Is our life a set of coincidences, combinations of unforeseen be broken? Or does fate prevent us from breaking it? Our day to day is usually scheduled, but not two days are the same. What makes them different is fate or chance? These questions cannot be answered exactly, as the answer could not be demonstrated. Inés Larraz

És possible assolir la perfecció?

Aquesta pregunta pertany a la branca filosòfica de la metafísica i en l'àmbit de la perfecció en la bellesa a la branca d'estètica. Throughout my life, I have wondered on multiple occasions, if perfection can really be achieved and if it is possible to reach a state of complete flawlessness. It is undeniable that humans, along history, have always attempted to accomplish it, although in many different ways. For this reason the question "Is perfection relative?" constantly comes to my mind and makes me inquire about countless other questions such as: "Is there perfection in our imperfections?", "Does reaching perfection necessarily mean achieving happiness?", "Is perfection influenced by society?" Take for exemple our body. How can the Middle Ages ideal body be so different from today's perfect body? As a result of all this, I have decided to choose the image above which I believe perfectly describes the relativity of the concept, a...


L'estètica és la branca de la filosofia que estudia l'essència i la percepció de la bellesa. Every day we define things as beautiful or ugly, but no one can dictate or judge what the real aesthetic of a thing or person is like. Beauty is a very relative and subjective concept, not everyone sees things in the same way. That is why there are people who might think that this building is beautiful and others who would think that it is the opposite, since they have other concepts of aesthetics. When we make these judgments that something is beautiful or ugly, we are making aesthetic judgments that express aesthetic experiences based on our perceptions of things. There will never be an agreement where everyone thinks the same about one thing but we will all agree that aesthetics is a branch of philosophy that is concerned. Clara Palmero

Com hauríem de tractar als animals?

During my trip to Costa Rica, one of the things I saw most were animals. For example, in this photo, we see a monkey that was in the woods. Although these monkeys were free, there were other activities in which animals were traded such as zoos or other activities in which animals were the main attraction. Humans are animals, but other animals are not considered in the same way as us. We frequently see news about animal abuse and different animalistic actions that denounce these acts. Most of the animals are at our service. Some offer us meat; others offer us derived food products; others serve as beasts of burden; others serve to carry out scientific experiments; and still others serve as company. But how ethical is this deal? Animals suffer and have feelings too, so that should be a point to think about. Branca filosòfica: Ètica. Gala Pastor

Per que esperem rebre el mateix que nosaltres donem?

L'antropologia filosòficai l'ètica We will not always receive what we give, because everyone is different. Because when we give something away, do we expect them to do the same? When you make a gift, it's because you wanted to have a detail with that person, and not to wait for them to give you something in return. Because the worst thing we can do is wait for them to do the same, because they are not nor will they ever be the same as you. In conclusion, we have to stop expecting things from others and act without expecting anything in return. Mariona Mateu


Metafísica i antropologia filosòfica. This question belongs to both philosophical anthropology and metaphysics because feelings are part of humans and something hard to explain with words. The first branch of philosophy inquiries into human nature and condition; the second one aims to expose everything that is beyond the physical, just as happiness, which is an abstract term. I took this picture when I was in la Cerdanya with my family. This moment of relative solitude (I was not alone, but it seemed to, far from the crowded city) made me think about if it is possible to feel happy when we are isolated from others. Although happiness is something complex to define, we, like other animals, can notice when we are feeling cheerful and when we aren’t. These days, due to this pandemic situation, we are meant to reduce our social life: therefore, we spend most of our time alone. In fact, after the three-month confinement, many people were depressed. Probably, the reason why has some...

Per què la nostra vida depén de les xarxes socials?

L'estética When has it become that everything has to be related to showing our lives to the others? Is the result of the society? Always displaying the best of you and not the worst that humans have. Manifesting every single piece of you, in the social media searching for the approval of the population. Everytime influencers are being more important, people with lot of followers and likes than people with studies striving and less paid. Ending us with bad self-esteem, seeing what others have and you don't, leaving in conclusion with not loving ourselves enough and wasting our time. Bea Roman


Filosofia ontologista (existeix, i de quina manera?) This image shows us a clock. A clock is the instrument that shows us the time. But: what is the time? Does the time exist? So, is the time relative or absolute? Then, if the time is real, does the time is the same for everybody? Why does sometimes pass slowly and other times very quickly? Is there more than one type of time? How can we know and make sure that the time doesn’t ever stop, and is forever? Does the time pass with the same velocity? Nobody can answer those questions because it’s impossible to know it because we can not be sure about it. Anna Prat

Pot ser l'Univers infinit?

La branca de filosofia a la qual pertany la qüestió es la de metafísica. The relationship between my question and my picture is that in the photo we can observe a vision of a part of the universe from the perspective of a part of the Earth, that it seems that the Universe never ends, but what we seem to see does not have to be true, so it produce me a doubt on if the Universe is finite or infinite. Humans know only a small part of the universe although many astronomers claim that the universe is expanding, so nowadays, it is not really known what the answer is. Ferran Valldeperas

Les autoritats poden prohibir amb qui em puc veure?

Filosofia política Although there is a global pandemic, does the government have the right to forbid us seeing other people? The situation is worrying, but what about the people that take precautions and follow the recommendations of health? In any case, I’m encouraging to disobey the law, I’m just trying to open minds and to think deep. In this example, civil disobedience could be justified because meeting with our friends and family is the most natural thing. Therefore, in which situations we have to follow the law as it is? Or are we feel free to do whatever we want? Pablo Herranz


Metafísica Every human being suffers. Although there are different intensities of affliction, the misery is still there. Someone may have lost a dear friend, lost their job, lost their arm in an accident, or stubbed their toe. Individually all these people endured a certain level of discomfort. Pain and suffering are only relative to the person who is going through it. Someone with a broken arm may have sustained a higher level of pain than someone who has just lost a family member. Taking into account that we can not guarantee that the people around us have a soul, nevertheless, we are only certain of the soul inside us that makes us feel pain and happiness every day, how can we measure our suffering if all we know is within us? If we can all suffer, is it ok to compare our misery? Bel Vaillant

Està tot escrit o cadascú crea el seu destí?

The relationship that I find between the image and the question is that the path marked with the lights, symbolizes a main path which most people follow as it could be, to form, to marry, to form a family ... But we can also choose others roads. Adriana Vilaró

Hi ha ordre en el desordre?

Ontologia With this question I want to ask if it is possible that there is order in the disorder. This photo that I have taken may show a lot of noise and disorder, but if you pay attention, you can observe a small order and here I would ask the question: Is there order in disorder? The importance is that if you look at it from the outside there can be a lot of disorder, but looking at things from another perspective, we can find new ways. Julia Gómez

Com podem arribar a la felicitat?

epistemologia Considero que la felicitat és un sentiment que és provocat per moments específics i per persones concretes, ja que tu no ets feliç durant tota la vida, també passes per mals moments, per tant crec que la felicitat arriba en moments concrets. Noa Segalés

Què és el temps?

METAFÍSICA Time is a very relative thing because at each moment we can decide the actions we do at that moment, and we can decide how much time we dedicate each thing to, and therefore in what things we invest our time daily. But something that cannot be controlled is the passage of time because that is a regular and constant thing and no matter how much you are doing one thing or another, time continues to pass. For example, if you have taken an action, you cannot change it because it becomes to past, and we lived in the present so we cannot go back in time and change that action, just as we cannot go to the future so we have to take advantage of every moment and think about what we do because if I miss it, i can not change it. Victor Quesada

Que fa que un fet sigui recordat?

Epistemologia The relation of my picture and my question is that the photo album make reference to our memories. The questions asks why we have some memories about the past and why we forget a lot of events, so what makes especial those events for us to stay in our memory. Some memories are important days or events of our lifes, but we also remember things of when we where little that they don't seem to be apparently very special or important, so why we still remember them? Mauri Bataller

How do you define the real?

We call what truly exists real, but if you are talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then what is real? Alvaro Martínez

Es el desorden malo?

This is related to ethics, because it is asking if it is a good way of living, it has to do with the behaviour and the way you do things. What this picture shows is a room disordered and it can clearly show that nothing is happening for having the room disordered, it is not bad or good it is just a way of how you do thing and how you feel more comfortable. Jan Silera

Per què considerem què l'alba és bella?

Rama estètica de la filosofia. The moment we see a sunrise, like the one shown in this photo, we think: how pretty and beautiful it is. At that specific instant the question arises and why is a sunrise beautiful? Possibly it is the contrast of colours between the intense yellow of the sun that stands out on the sky that minutes before was darkness or just the reflection of the solar rays in the rough sea. Human tastes are unique and different; however, few people think that this is an ugly scene. It may also be that this scene transmits feelings to us, for example, the beginning of a new day, an opportunity to be better or more productive. They are the small details that come together to form an intense scene that we consider to be "beautiful". Sofia Vicente

Un grafit el podem considera llibertat d’expressió o vandalisme?

Branca: ETICA This image ask our self if we think that a graffiti is way of expressing the things that they are on your mind, this is only a shape of seeing this action, on the other hand we have the people that think that this type of painting is vandalism, because they paint were they want, some times they are disrespectful with some people work, this two way of seeing it are logical but which one is the correct? Aleix Alonso

Si el destí es real i tot passa per alguna raó, existeix la llibertat?

BRANCA PSICOLÒGICA: Pertany a la branca de metafísica perquè incita a veure el funcionament lògic de la realitat d’una forma diferent i més abstracte RELATIONSHIP WITH PICTURE: This picture reflects how the city “falls asleep” with many citizens living in the same area but with completely opposite and varied beliefs, economical situations, ages and cultures. Despite this, everyone has something in common and that is, the uncertainty that destiny will bring tomorrow, one of the few things left in life that nobody can buy predict or control. Helena Serna

Els animals tenen ànima? Si és així, és la mateixa que els humans?

Metafísica (estudi de l’existència) Whenever I play with my rabbit this question comes to my mind. What is inside my rabbit's little body? Can it feel happiness, or love for someone? Whenever I prepare its food she comes running to my feet and starts jumping around and giving me kisses, but... Does she love me as I love my family, or does she only love me because I feed her? As a Christian, I believe in an afterlife for humans, but what happens to other living beings like animals and plants? Do they have an afterlife? Aridana Le Flohic

Fins a quin punt podem considerar haver viscut una vida plena quan no hem aconseguit arribar totes les nostres metes?

Ética In this image we can find the metaphor of a man who, from the comfort of a home, tries to look through a window at everything that might have been, but that brick wall prevents him, referring to all the obstacles that he has not been able to overcome throughout his life, and therefore has made him stay in a glass bubble (the house) without being able to have fulfilled his goals. This leads me to ask myself the question of what is more worthwhile, living a full and free life or staying in your comfort zone without danger. Ana Ruperez

L'Alzheimer ens treu la nostra identitat?

Existencialisme Is Alzheimer's really a silent enemy? This question goes beyond a disease. Memories are one of the main pilars of our identity, therefore, if when you have Alzheimer's you lose your memories, what is our identity based on? We say that Alzheimer's is a silent enemy because dementia comes secretly, however, it leaves its mark, because memory is invisible but without it we are nobody.However, we learn that the essence of people goes beyond their memory. If we leave aside the material world, we are left with our essence, from which our memories are part. Even if we put aside our memories, what would we have left? The soul. In other words, the essence of people is preserved despite having Alzheimer's. Nuria Tarrés

Per què la mort és un tema tabú en la nostra societat?

METAFÍSICA We have learnt to be afraid of death. We act as if it doesn’t even exist and we get hurt when some of our loved ones pas away. We have got used to hiding death and talking about it with euphemisms. Some important philosophers as Heidegger said it ought not to be like that. Maybe it would be so much easier if we talked about it regularly. There are some moral doctrines as the Hedonism, some religions and different cultures who don’t feel pain for death, furthermore, they celebrate it. Why something like death, which gives a meaning to life, should be treated as one taboo topic in our society? Jordi Margalef

"Les nostres decisions ens defineixen?"

Do our decisions define us? In our everyday, we, as human beings, are constantly making decisions about what we are about to do next. These decisions can be more or less significant: we might have thought about them for a long time or we just make them involuntarily. But the question is: how do these actions affect my environment? Who am I thinking of when making these decisions. At this point, you must be wondering... "what does the picture have to do with the tittle?". Well, this picture shows a pair of benches in one of the most concurrent streets in Barcelona, "La Diagonal". They are banned due to the pandemic: in order to avoid physical contact, people can't sit on them. When I saw them, I said to myself: "but what if I had spread my ankle" or "but what if I had gone on a really long run and I desperatelly needed a break?". These may sound vain or insignificant, but the fact of questioning to myself these questions, led me to a deeper...

És la bellesa sempre de color?

Aquesta fotografia pertany a la branca de l'estètica (l'estudi de la bellesa i de l'art). The question we ask ourselves it's to think if life is better if you live it in colors. This means that the more cultures you get to know, the richer is your way of thinking. Regarding the photo, I think that each line of tulips represents a culture and that if we put all the colors together (we put the puzzle together) the picture is better but even if we put it together without color (in black and white) we will never make it more beautiful. Victor Duran

És la mort el final o és el començament d'alguna cosa més?

We have been looking for the answer since time immemorial, which has given rise to religions, theories and above all much speculation. On the side of religion have been created different places where one goes after death these would be the heaven where they live beings like gods, angels, geniuses, saints or venerated ancestors, and hell a place of torment and punishment in the life after death.On the other hand, we also have reincarnation, a concept created by the human being that would be the beginning of a new life in a different body or physical form. Edu Sumalla

Existeix la perfecció?

This picture attempts to represent perfection, perfection pertains to the study of reality, that is, metaphysics. Perfection, doesn’t exist. It is pure neurosis, it is a concept that can pursue us to the point of satiety, which can paralyze us and which we will never formally reach, because when we think that we have achieved it, we will realize that there is still a long way to go to achieve it. Man has traditionally sought perfection in all the tasks he has undertaken. It’s the holy grail, call it perfection, excellence, or any other modern name we want to give it. Arnau Martín

Som el mateix tipus de persones durant el dia que durant la nit?

Metafísica All the people in the world has its personality, but this personality can change depending on the state of mind. Normally, during the day we are more distracted so we are not thinking much time about our problems because we are distracted or occupied and we are not sad. The night can be cold and lonely, it also can be enough long to think about our life and our worries. That make us sad and it is like we are different types of people during the day and the night. Ignasi Boquer


Pertany a la filosofía ética. The future is something we all humans have wondered about since the very beginning. And although every one of us has a different thought about it, one thing we have in common is that we don't know what's going to happen nor we can predict it. So, my take on this: why don't we just stop caring about the future and start living the present? The present is all we have and it's what will build our future. We don't know the future until we live on it. Mar Prats

Perquè els miralls ens reflexen al revés?

Metafísica Why do mirrors reflect us the other way around? This question is related to metaphysics. Why is the reflection of the tree and the rocks flipped when we look into the water? There is a barrier created between real life, the upper half of the foto, and the mystical reflection created by the lake, the other half of the picture. We barely can distinguish nature from the water reflection. Nevertheless, our brains tell us which are the real elements. What we know as reality could be a reflection from something? If we were surrounded by mirrors, would we see what is real and what is mirrored? How can we know what is real and what is not real? Is life real? Or a reflection? Paulina Navarro

És correcte saltar-se la llei si una gran part de la gent pensa i expressa que és errònia i injusta?

"Ètica" I've chosen this picture because I think that it comes from a subject that has been in our lives fot many years. Theoretically making a referendum to make the people choose if they want to be independent is illegal but, in this case it has been shown that a large group of people want to have this option to vote because they say they have reasons to choose where and how to live. So in this case, should we follow the laws as we have been thaught or do we let the people express their freedom of expression and we make a vote that in theory is illegal and we let the people decide? Joan Francès

Why are there so many inequalities?

Nowadays in our society, some people are discriminated or even putted in disadvantage. For example in Spain alone there are around 40000 people that do not have safe place to sleep. Most of these people are ghosted by society and aren’t given any importance or any help. All of this is caused by society but almost all the shame belongs to lack of jobs and an unfair society for some groups of people (Toni Vital) ética


Today's generation does not believe in marriage, but marriage exists. Answering the question if marriage is eternal, we can have two very different points of view: One of them is the current one, since they basically believe that marriage is based on signing a paper or saying yes in response, however, in a marriage there are values of which each couple has to contribute them as in the case of our grandparents . We can realize that old marriages are more durable and not like those of now. Why is it? In this photo you can see various attitudes that are: happiness, respect, understanding, love ... which leads us to reflect and understand that marriage can be eternal and as the church says "until death do us part." La branca de la filosofia d'aquest text és l'ètica ja que parlo sobre la vida, la virtut i els valors al llarg de el temps. Karen Mendoza

Què és bell y què no ho és? (What is beautiful and what is not?)

La branca filosòfica és l'estètica, ja que és la branca que estudia l'essència i la percepció de la bellesa. While I was lying on the beach with my mother, she told me: 'how beautiful looks the sea today'. I was looking at the other side of the sea, and I answered: 'absolutely'. When I turned around, I saw my mother looking at the grey and dark zone of the sea water, which I didn't like. How do we know what is beautiful and what is not, then? We were looking at the same ocean, in a different state, but the opposite of what I was considering to be beautiful, she considered it to be beautiful too. What I thought it was a dark and cluttered water, she thought it was a calmed, relaxing and beautiful water. Gala Carbonell

¿El mundo en el que vivimos es un mundo real?

The propouse of this question is for make us think, if the world that we live is real or unreal. We don't know if we are dead and this is our secon live, the sky or if this is a dream. This question definetly belongs to the branch of philosophy, Metaphysics, which tries to give an explanation or an interpretation of the world around us, trie to answer What is reality? What is the real thing? They say that the world in which we live is real, but our live coincide with this real world? is parallel? is another life?how long does is last? In this earthly life in which we live, everything is a question.... Elena Salarich

Que factors provoquen que els humans considerem a alguna cosa bonica?

took this picture last summer in Canada when we went on a Canoe Trip. It was getting dark, and we were making dinner. When we were heading to find sticks for the bonfire, I had to take a picture of the beautiful landscape. Currently I wonder, why do we, humans, find things attractive, and in which aspects do we guide to think that. Apparently, society, has a natural perception of what we find beautiful and appealing since our ancient times. This question definitely belongs to the branch of philosophy , aesthetics , which studies the perception of beauty and emotions. In this picture, I can see beauty, as I can feel a sense of calm every time I examinate it , stability and order that brings pleasure to my brain. In conclusion, I think that we find something appealing to our eyes, because we base on what we were experiencing and feeling at the moment or as for instance, the moment you decide to take a picture, so that's the main factor to cause beauty. Lucia Mariño

És necessari prendre vides per sobreviure?

Aquesta pregunta es troba entre la branca de l'ètica i la de la metafísica perquè ens fa reflexionar sobre si està bé posar fi a la vida d'altres éssers i ens fa replantejar la importància dels aliments que ens mengem. People often think that the concept of taking a life is only applicable to humans. But it is much wider than that. A clear example is all the food we eat in order to feed ourselves; we take cows, chickens, turkeys and other animal’s lives to eat them. And yes, there are many people against that and become vegan or vegetarian, however that is not also killing something? Both of them do not eat meat and instead eat vegetal food, they take fruits, plants or vegetables. Even so that is not also destroying vegetal lives? Or it does not count because leaves have no feelings? They actually have feelings? The point is that, unfortunately, unless you are a plant that nourish itself because of the minerals in the floor, all living beings have to take lives to survive...